Filewave Integration
Description of Changes
By providing a predefined web service to be imported, we are now able to integrate the Filewave MDM solution.
New Possibilities and Benefits
We are able to properly, quickly, and even selectively synchronize assets into the OTRS CMDB.
We can use those CIs as normal OTRS objects to be integrated into all known workflows in OTRS. Additionally, we can control the Filewave MDM to trigger actions like locking a device, resetting keycodes, deploying software, and much more.
Attributes Can Be Configured to Be Shown Even When Not Used So Far or Empty.
Description of Changes
Properties that do not have a value are typically hidden in the detail view screen of the corresponding object, such as the "Service" property for a Ticket object.
New Possibilities and Benefits
This becomes especially important when the property supports inline editing, as an empty property cannot be updated directly in the detail view. Agents are unable to set its value because there is no field available for input. Instead, the field must be added to a different screen to allow the value to be set. With this enhancement, properties that may be empty can be configured to display even without a value.
Example: and
This feature has been implemented for the following objects and properties:
Ticket: (AgentFrontend::TicketDetailView::WidgetType###Properties)
- AccountedTime
- CustomerTickets
- EscalationTime
- Service
- Process
- ProcessActivity
- Any Dynamic Field
Knowledge Base Article: (AgentFrontend::KnowledgeBaseArticleDetailView::WidgetType###KBAProperties)
- Keywords
- Any Dynamic Field
Service: (AgentFrontend::ServiceDetailView::WidgetType###Properties)
- Comment
- Any Custom Preference
Service Level Agreement: (AgentFrontend::SLADetailView::WidgetType###Properties)
- Comment
- FirstResponseTime
- UpdateTime
- SolutionTime
- MinTimeBetweenIncidents
- Any Custom Preference
For new installations, the IsShownOnEmpty
attribute is added to the supported fields in the widget configuration of the detail view for the corresponding object. By default, its value is set to 0, meaning the feature is inactive. To enable it for a field, set the value to 1. For existing installations where the widget configuration has been modified, the IsShownOnEmpty
attribute will need to be added manually. Regardless of whether the installation is new or updated, agents who need this feature must reset the widget configuration to its default settings.
Warning: This process will erase any personal customizations, so it is recommended to document the current configuration and manually restore it after the reset.
Changed the Font Style for Bright Themes.
Description of Changes
Some customers with visual disabilities reported that she experiences discomfort and headaches with the previously mentioned change. They tried different themes, but this didn’t work out.
Add Links for Customer and Customer Company
Description of Changes
We added quick links to customer company and customer user profiles.
New Possibilities and Benefits
Access to customer user and customer information can be done more easily.
Support SingleSignOn URLs
Description of Changes
Support for a placeholder %s
in the following settings:
- ExternalFrontend::Auth::LoginURL
- ExternalFrontend::Auth::LogoutURL
This will allow systems that use SSO to set the correct address and avoid receiving an unexpected parameter, RequestedURL
. If the placeholder is not present, the parameter RequestedURL
will still be used.
New Possibilities and Benefits
Wider support, especially for the upcoming IAM functionality, is prepared.
Optimize "Generic Interface" Connections to External Hosts
Description of Changes
Optimized "Generic Interface" connections to external hosts (attempting to reuse the connections).
New Possibilities and Benefits
This is especially useful when using the Generic::Operations
invoker, as several requests will be made to the same host.
CKEditor: Removed Upload Tab
Description of Changes
When configuring links in our rich text editor, it was possible to upload files on a link, which was never technically working and is not a use case for OTRS.
In addition, the target tab was cleaned for unneeded targets.
New Possibilities and Benefits
We decided to remove this option from the editor interface so that no user will attempt to use this unsupported functionality and become confused.
Disabled SessionCheckRemoteIP by Default
Description of Changes
We disabled the SessionCheckRemoteIP
setting by default.
New Possibilities and Benefits
To allow OTRS to run in containers as well as Kubernetes, the SessionCheckRemoteIP
setting must be disabled.
If OTRS is operated on-premises and there is a special reason to still have this setting enabled, you must enable it after the upgrade.
Timezone Added in Some GI Log Entries
Description of Changes
In the web service debugger, all log entries now include timezone information.
New Possibilities and Benefits
Proper debugging, even across time zones, can now be conducted.
Browser Tab Will Now Show Ticket Number/KBA + Ticket Title + Product Name
Description of Changes
OTRS will now show the Ticket Number/KBA and Ticket Title when in detail view.
New Possibilities and Benefits
This allows for faster identification of the correct tab with a specific ticket opened. This feature is also implemented for the Knowledge Base Article.
Sticky Flyout Header
Description of Changes
The header container of flyouts is now positioned fixed (sticky) to the top of the screen. This keeps the flyout title and action icons visible at all times.
New Possibilities and Benefits
Keeping track of which flyout is currently open and being able to minimize/maximize at all times.
Merge OTRSReady2AdoptWebServices into Framework
Description of Changes
The package OTRSReady2AdoptWebServices
was merged into the framework. The three previously existing samples of OTRS Web Services configuration are now available directly on the framework: BugzillaConnector
, JIRAConnector
, and OTRSConnector
As before, the admin GUI will exhibit appropriate messages when additional packages are required, such as OTRSTicketInvoker
or OTRSConfigurationManagement
, when the admin user is creating Web Services based on these samples.
New Possibilities and Benefits
It is now easier to use predefined interfaces to other systems by simply importing them. As usual, the configuration can be adapted to the specific needs.
Added Non-Closing Property to Modal Next Step Dialogs
Description of Changes
If we open a flyout on the external frontend, it now stays open.
New Possibilities and Benefits
Clicking on the area outside of the flyout will not close it, ensuring that any already filled data persists.
Support for Deploying Front-End Files on a Different Host
Description of Changes
Support for deploying the front-end on a different host.
New Possibilities and Benefits
This preparative task will allow OTRS to scale better in the future.
Added Result of Operation in Web Service Debugger Log
Description of Changes
New Possibilities and Benefits
For the newly introduced Generic::Operations
invoker, we added additional logs to reflect the result of operations performed, simplifying debugging.
Improvement of Custom Avatar Handling
Description of Changes
Avatars uploaded by customer users in the external frontend are now visible in the agent frontend as well.
Fixed Defects
Dynamic Field Show Link Setting Does Not Show Information
Defect Summary
If a link is configured for a dynamic field, the data from the Ticket (e.g., [% Data.TicketID | uri %]
) will be missing in some places.
Fix Description
Ticket data was missing for DisplayValueData
; the link is now generated properly.
Attachment Delete Not Working When File Contains Special Characters
Defect Summary
If Ticket::Article::Backend::MIMEBase::ArticleStorage
is set to FS and a user uploads an attachment containing special characters (e.g., +$...
), then the attachment cannot be deleted when using the command bin/ Maint::Ticket::Attachment::Delete
Fix Description
In the FS backend, we use expressions to check the filename. Since +
is a special character, the regex check fails. The check was extended so that all known filenames are matched and therefore can be deleted.
No Free Email Address Entry Possible with Partial Match from Address Book
Defect Summary
It is not possible to select an unknown email address from the address book if there is already a customer user with a similar email address.
Fix Description
The address book now contains the currently typed email as the first option.
Error Message in KBA Detail View if Dynamic Field is Loaded and User Has Only RO Permission
Defect Summary
A user with RO permissions encounters an error message when loading the KBA detail view.
Fix Description
OTRS expects RW permissions, but in order to show the field, RO permissions should be enough. The permission requirements were adjusted accordingly.
On Avatar Upload, Allowed Image Types Are Not Aligned Correctly
Defect Summary
The allowed image file types were listed without spaces between them.
Fix Description
The alignment is now fixed.
Dropdown Select Options Are Underlined
Defect Summary
In recent changes, underlining was introduced for options in a selection. Due to feedback, we removed this styling.
Fix Description
Removed underline styling for dropdown items.
TicketDetailView: Fixed Title Height
Defect Summary
The space for the title in the TicketDetailView was too small.
Fix Description
We fixed the sizing.
Fixed Background Color on Organizer Edit Mode
Defect Summary
In rare cases, the class is not set correctly for an organizer item in edit mode.
Fix Description
The correct background color was added to the element.
Reports Can’t Be Edited or Run in GUI if a Statistic Used in the Report is Invalid
Defect Summary
When creating a report and adding a statistic, if the statistic is later edited and set as invalid, attempts to edit or run the report will fail.
Fix Description
This issue has been fixed, allowing reports to be edited in the mentioned case.
Fixed Issue Where Dynamic Field Multiselect Shows Wrong Value if Perl 5.38+ is Used
Defect Summary
The Dynamic Field Multiselect displays incorrect values if Perl 5.38+ is used. If a dynamic field is configured to be shown but the value is not set, it displays false
instead of an empty string.
Fix Description
In Perl 5.38+, changes in handling boolean values caused the Multiselect field to misbehave. This has been fixed.
Fixed Hover Color on Tables
Defect Summary
The hover color was inconsistent across different tables.
Fix Description
Color schemes have been standardized.
Before: and
After: and
Translations of Titles on Hover
Defect Summary
The widget title (alt
attribute) was not marked for translation.
Fix Description
The widget title is now marked for translation.
Improved DBUpdate Module MigrateSchedulerModulesWhitelist Output
Defect Summary
The MigrateSchedulerModulesWhitelist
DBUpdate module does not display the scheduler task (or setting) that includes a Perl module not present in the whitelist. Undefined modules are incorrectly flagged as not whitelisted, with messages such as:
ERROR: Module is not white listed.
Fix Description
The DBUpdate module now skips undefined Perl modules, and messages include the setting name, making it easier to locate and correct misconfigurations. The new messages are displayed as:
Step 103 of 126: Migrate Scheduler Modules Whitelist ...
- ERROR: Setting: 'Daemon::SchedulerCronTaskManager::Task###Custom1' uses the module: 'my::module' that is not white listed.
Export HandleError() Function from BaseTaskWorker
Defect Summary
The OTRS Daemon Module SystemConfigurationSyncManager
produces an exception on error due to a missing method:
Run()' failed with Exception [25]! Exception [25] - Message: Can't locate object method "_HandleError" via package "Kernel::System::Daemon::DaemonModules::SystemConfigurationSyncManager" at /home/heikoh/ws/otrs8-clean/Kernel/System/Daemon/DaemonModules/ line 170.
Fix Description
This behavior has been corrected to prevent errors.
Ticket Creation Not Possible in External Portal if Dynamic Ticket Template is Triggered Without "Subject" Configured
Defect Summary
It is not possible to create a new ticket in the external interface if a dynamic ticket template is used.
Fix Description
The workflow has been improved to resolve this issue.
Even after filling the subject manually and clicking the Create Ticket button, the following error message appeared:
Ticket creation now works as expected.
OTRS Doesn’t Handle Graphic Reports – Reports with More Graphic Statistics Are Not Being Generated
Defect Summary
When generating a report with multiple graphical statistics, the generation will fail.
Fix Description
An issue targeting the correct engine to generate graphic reports was resolved, so reports are now generated as defined.
Do Not Update "ServiceManagement" Fields on System Update
Defect Summary
The configuration of fields used for Service Management is being updated with every system update, potentially causing data loss in customized field configurations.
Fix Description
If fields already exist in the system, migration will be skipped to preserve data.
GenericInterface Web Services with Simple Mapping Set but Unused Crashes When Upgrading to Perl >=5.40
Defect Summary
When upgrading to Perl >=5.40, web services using the simple mapper without a configuration set will crash, and the invoker and operation will not work.
Fix Description
A syntax error fix allows mapping to work even if no specific configuration is set.
Automatic Scrolling in Flyout on Opening Additional Field Action Form Not Happening
Defect Summary
The related KBA list was not visible when opening it in actions such as a Reply via Mail on a ticket.
Fix Description
Automatic scrolling was enabled, so elements now remain visible within flyouts.