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OTRS is now part of Easyvista. Stronger together!

OTRS On-Premise & Managed – The Comparison

Self hosted or 
all-round carefree in the cloud?

OTRS offers a variety of ways to optimize service management.

On-Premise vs. Managed –
operating models in comparison


Complete control
Complete control over the system and the server.
Data protection
Company data remains within the company.
Device-independent access
Access to the software within the company network is possible regardless of device.
Internal IT effort
Internal resource expenditures are needed to e.g. prevent system failures or to take corrective action in the event of an emergency.
Internal maintenance
You maintain and ensure the security of the system by updating it manually.
Internal resources
Internal provision of hardware and IT personnel.


IT infrastructure security
Security patches, updates and regular backups for data protection are performed automatically. Security risks are reduced.
Data protection
By default, data is stored on servers in Germany (on request in USA or Canada) according to the latest GDPR standards. A specially trained team takes care of data security.
Cost and time savings
Training of IT staff as well as the acquisition and maintenance of hardware are eliminated as cost factors.
Save resources
Procurement, installation, configuration, maintenance, updates and backups of the software and server are no longer necessary since OTRS Group takes care of this.
Location independence
Access to the software is independent of device and is possible at any time with an internet connection.
Always up-to-date with rolling releases
Software is regularly enhanced and automatically updated, daily work is made easier by new features.
Dependence on the service provider
Requirements, support and services correspond to the booked service package and changes must be clarified with service provider.
Company-related data
Data is stored on servers of a third-party provider.

Added Value of On-Premise

OTRS with all of its features and professional support — managed in your own data center.


Added Value of Managed

All-round carefree: OTRS with all its features and professional support — maintained by us.


Important Service Details

OTRS On-Premise
Installation & Operation
OTRS Installation
OTRS Operation
Online Documentation
OTRS Customer Portal for Your Customers‘ Requests and Incidents
Support from OTRS Experts
Additional Services
Access to Consulting Services
Administration & Operation
OTRS Administration
Administration of OTRS, Includes:
Administration Webserver:
VPN Connections
Installation of Certificates (SSL, S/MIME)
Scan of Emails for Viruses/Spam
Backup & Update
Backup & Update of All Components:
If Test System Is Available:
Infrastructure Standards
Highest Infrastructure Standards:
Configuration of All Connections
Implementing the Configuration to:
Provision of the OTRS Database
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