Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is no longer just part of good manners. Companies are now required by law to disclose actions based on their social and environmental responsibilities.
Social & Green Washing
What began in Germany over 100 years ago, during industrialization with a focus on social commitment, is now rapidly drifting into “social” or “green washing” in the competition for consumers and employees. Measures are taken to achieve a social or green image, although in some cases contrary, these are often socially questionable or even environmentally damaging activities.
The Earth as an Island
Today, much more than this competition is at stake, because man-made climate change is putting us in a precarious situation: the earth is becoming an island with no escape with far-reaching social consequences. This makes it more important to actually assume social and ecological responsibility. Our diverse CSR activities show that this can be done flexibly and at short notice without a large CSR team or a sophisticated overall strategy, but with heart and mind.
Our employees gain deep insights far away from their everyday (work) lives
At the same time, this has an essential effect: Our employees gain deep insights far away from their everyday (work) lives. Three reasons why this is so important:
1. Insights broaden one’s own horizons
Today, more than ever before, many people live isolated lives in their own limited microcosm. Opening up opportunities, such as spending a morning helping in a soup kitchen, broadens horizons! By immersing ourselves in the activities and work processes, but also by engaging with people’s stories and the background to the work, our view widens and completely new perspectives open up.
2. Insights provide valuable impulses
Even very simple, low-cost CSR measures, such as a bee sponsorship in conjunction with the transfer of relevant knowledge, can stimulate thought and make a contribution with a multiplier effect. Employees often become active themselves and motivate other people in their environment to also get involved or change their behavior.
3. Insights enable us to appreciate our own situation
Thanks to the contact with areas that usually remain closed to many of us in everyday life, we begin to value our own situations more. If, for example, we spend a morning doing janitorial work in a children’s hospice together with colleagues, we enter a world in which completely different priorities count than in the day-to-day lives of most of us; this time plays a very special role.
Boundless Opportunities for Genuine Commitment
There are virtually no limits to the possibilities for company-wide CSR activities: whether you collect trash together, launch an ideas competition around sustainable measures, spend time working at an animal shelter, or share knowledge about the mindful use of resources ¬– through these actions, you provide employees with valuable insights and actually take ecological and social responsibility seriously.
- About OTRS Group (21)
- Automation (4)
- Corporate Security (27)
- Customer Service (30)
- Developing a Corporate Culture (12)
- Digital Transformation (56)
- General (96)
- ITSM (42)
- Leadership (22)
- OTRS in Action (8)
- Processes (7)
- Using OTRS (16)